When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You say “Good morning Lord” instead of “Good Lord, it’s morning.”
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
Your words no longer fall on deaf ears but they rise on eagles wings.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You no longer wander aimlessly but instead you follow faithfully
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You no longer while away [waste away] the hours, now you redeem the time for eternity.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You are no longer rejected like an orphan, but you are accepted as a son/daughter.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You no longer live in fear but you face fear by the power of
the cross.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You are no longer looked at with suspicion but you are called and then commissioned.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You are no longer satisfied with survival, you hunger for revival.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
It’s no longer us and them, but it’s Jesus coming again.
It’s no longer who I am, but Whose I am.
It’s no longer where I’ve been, but where I’m going.
It’s not about who I know, but Who I follow.
It’s not about “Out of my way”, but it’s about, “Can I help you find the Way?”
(source: www.annointed.net)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
All Our Powers Belong to Him
God's stamp is upon us. He has bought us, and He desires us to remember that our physical, mental, and moral powers belong to Him. Time and influence reason, affection, and conscience, all are God's, and are to be used only in harmony with His will. They are not to be used in accordance with the direction of the world; for the world is under a leader who is at enmity with God. (Messages to the Young People p.69.1)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Once there was a man who dared God to speak.
Burn the bush like You did for Moses, God … and I will follow,
Collapse the wall like You did for Joshua, God … and I will fight.
Still the waves like You did on Galilee, God … and I will listen.
And so the man sat by a bush, near a wall, close to the sea, and waited for God to speak.
And God heard the man, so God answered.
He sent fire, not for a bush, but for a church.
He brought down a wall, not of brick, but of sin.
He stilled a storm, not of the sea, but of a soul. And God waited for the man to respond.
And He waited … and He waited … and waited.
But because the man was looking at bushes, not hearts; bricks and not lives,
seas and not souls, he decided that God had done nothing.
Finally he looked to God and asked, “Have You lost Your power?”
And God looked at him and said, “Have you lost your hearing?”
– Max Lucado (Adapted from 2009 Small Group Discussions for Adventist Youth article)
Burn the bush like You did for Moses, God … and I will follow,
Collapse the wall like You did for Joshua, God … and I will fight.
Still the waves like You did on Galilee, God … and I will listen.
And so the man sat by a bush, near a wall, close to the sea, and waited for God to speak.
And God heard the man, so God answered.
He sent fire, not for a bush, but for a church.
He brought down a wall, not of brick, but of sin.
He stilled a storm, not of the sea, but of a soul. And God waited for the man to respond.
And He waited … and He waited … and waited.
But because the man was looking at bushes, not hearts; bricks and not lives,
seas and not souls, he decided that God had done nothing.
Finally he looked to God and asked, “Have You lost Your power?”
And God looked at him and said, “Have you lost your hearing?”
– Max Lucado (Adapted from 2009 Small Group Discussions for Adventist Youth article)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
"With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!."(Messages to Young People, p. 196).
The Advent Message to All the World in My Generation
My relationship to Jesus Christ is of such a nature that it compels me to share with any who will receive it, the gospel—the good news of His soon return.
The Love of Christ Constrains Me
I am drawn to Him by His exemplary life, the symbolic act of His crucifixion, His conquering resurrection, and His promise of an earth made new in the pattern of the original creation. The closer I find myself to Him, the closer I find myself identifying with the needs of my fellow human beings.
The Pledge of Adventist Youth
Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the work of the Adventist Youth Society, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world..
Loving the Lord Jesus. This introductory thought directs our minds toward the motto of Adventist youth. It is the impelling force of the pledge and the movement of Adventist youth. The value of service for the Master is measured by the love and dedication with which Adventist youth serve Him. Does the Lord Jesus completely direct the life?
I promise. The word promise is synonymous, in this case, with desire, and can revolutionize the life. Promise means that youth are not dominated by someone else, but rather are ready and willing to follow the Lord.s leading. They have a purpose, and are committed. This means that the youth are available for action, and will decide for the best in life. They will follow the proposed path with determination and will keep their eyes fixed on the goal. The Master can count on them to fulfill their promises completely.
To take an active part in the youth ministry of the church (in the work of the Adventist Youth Society). This means to be involved in the activities of the AY Society, including the meetings and witnessing outreach. The Adventist youth will always be ready to help someone, and will support his or her AY Society and church in their various activities.
Doing what I can to help others. This is a commitment that denotes readiness and dedication on behalf of others. It means to do one.s best for a cause, and represents the greatest effort to help in every phase of activity within the organization of the Adventist Youth Society and in the church. The true Adventist youth is always ready to take advantage of every opportunity to serve.
And to finish the work of the gospel in all the world. This last part of the Adventist Youth pledge urges the youth to think of the AYS aim. It represents the extension of the divine mandate of our Lord Jesus in a universal scope. It is a challenge to the the youth to understand the divine command. First in Jerusalem, then in Judea, then in Samaria, and finally unto the ends of the earth.
Monday, October 6, 2008
AIM:The advent message to all the world in my generation
MOTTO: For the love of Christ constrains me
PLEDGE: Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the work of the AY society, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world
MOTTO: For the love of Christ constrains me
PLEDGE: Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the work of the AY society, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world
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