Monday, October 27, 2008

When You Reclaim Your Mornings for Christ

When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You say “Good morning Lord” instead of “Good Lord, it’s morning.”
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
Your words no longer fall on deaf ears but they rise on eagles wings.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You no longer wander aimlessly but instead you follow faithfully
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You no longer while away [waste away] the hours, now you redeem the time for eternity.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You are no longer rejected like an orphan, but you are accepted as a son/daughter.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You no longer live in fear but you face fear by the power of
the cross.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You are no longer looked at with suspicion but you are called and then commissioned.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
You are no longer satisfied with survival, you hunger for revival.
When you reclaim your mornings for Christ:
It’s no longer us and them, but it’s Jesus coming again.
It’s no longer who I am, but Whose I am.
It’s no longer where I’ve been, but where I’m going.
It’s not about who I know, but Who I follow.
It’s not about “Out of my way”, but it’s about, “Can I help you find the Way?”


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Youth Week of prayer - March 08

Youth Week of prayer - March 08
AY Choir on stage